Have you ever worked for a company that had solid core values - and, for the most part, people seemed to be aligned with those values?
The organizations that are able to accomplish this typically have incredible cultures which helps them drive successful outcomes.
What about your personal values?
If someone were to hire you, come work for you, or agree to do business with you - how would you respond when asked ”what are your personal values?”
I believe that our personal values are the behaviors that show up when no one is looking - the things we do that might not make the headlines, but are the core fabric of who we are - and (especially), the things we will say “no” to in order to ensure we stay in alignment with who we are vs. trying to please someone else or make another dollar.
•Practice the habit of writing and reviewing your personal core values
•Challenge yourself to work at living in alignment with those values each and every day
The ego holds no power over the man or woman who lives in total alignment with their values.
Have a thriving Thursday!