The 1% rule...
One percent appears to be an incredibly small amount - and in most cases, it is a small amount.
Getting a 1% return on $100,000 gives you $1000 - small amount of a return. Getting 1% of the vote on something will most likely not pass - small amount of votes. Spending 1% of your time exercising today will not drop those extra few pounds you are looking to shed by tomorrow.
That being said, there is still great power in one percent if applied consistently. In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about applying this rule to each and every day - as a compound interest vs a one time investment.
If you start improving by one percent on any good habit today and continue to work at it and improve upon it each and every day, then one year from now you will improve by 37% on that habit.
•Write down one small habit you will work on today that you want to improve upon and commit to doing it for 15 minutes (1% of your day) each day moving forward
Life doesn’t have a finish line - we are all a work in progress and have the ability to improve our lives each and every day.
Have a fantastic Friday!